Fools Night Out comes from a song by
Phil Wiggins
Moon photo courtesy
Michael's Photo Gallery.
Fool's Night Out
: Regular Events
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Getting Listed
© Scott Mitchell (07/03/21)
How do I get a gig listed on Fools Night Out?
Fools Night Out is a service I provide in my voluminous spare time. It started as
a place where the more ecclectic roots music fans and dancers could find best bets. Fools
Night Out doesn't attempt to be comprehensive. I try to only list a few shows per day.
As a result, weekends can be particularly competitive.
A few bits of guidance:
- Send schedule items and updates to

- I need advance warning. I tend to update the list on Sunday or Monday night. During the week
I just don't have time, unless it's something urgent (cancellations and the like).
- The easier it is to read and find the information required the better.
Fool's Night Out
: Regular Events
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| Venues
| Reviews
| Dance Lessons
| Sources & Links